Updates on Kuma
As everyone knows, Kuma made it through observation successfully and was awaiting clearance for his neutering and follow-up xrays.
Either Isao or I was going out of town, so we were waiting for a stable spot in our lives where we could get Kuma his surgery and a nice, calm, consistent recovery time.
Kuma had his surgery on Thursday, April 27th.
He was a brave boi, and Dr. Lair sent us the cutest photos of him after his surgery
He came home and was walking around like a drunken sailor LOL
He ate like it was his job, drank some water, and flaked out in the office.
He has steadily recovered, gotten his strength back, and is now eating like a demon, and hating his E-collar LOL
We have to protect his little naddies from his cleaning, so every time he starts to go to town on his ball-sack, we have to put the collar back on and we get “the look” LOL
We’re now monitoring him for any signs of relapse as the stressors of surgery and sedation can really trigger a relapse of FIP.
Please give Kuma all your love and support and pray that he stays healthy and happy .