Day 101 Kuma’s FIP Journey
No Keppra today
I’m sick as a dog, going to get my COVID/flu swab this morning, drop off the laser to Carl, go home, and die LOL
Truly miserable
Kuma purred me “Hi mommy, feel better mommy”, who can beat that???
The line at La Mesa was short, but got done quickly.
Asked my GF Abby to write for a flu swab as well, so hopefully, those orders got performed.
Went to drop off laser at 0730, I was a bit too early, knocked on the door of the office, and heard Carl rumbling around in the reception area.
I went back to my car, just to wait him out, I don’t like getting into the middle of his morning ritual.
He met me outside, I told him what was up with my health, so he needed to sanitize the laser, case, and such.
I’m supposed to have an appointment with Carl on Wednesday, we’ll see.
Home, miserable, meds are helping somewhat, but I’m waaaaay worse today than yesterday
Had a bit of brekkie along with a shitton of hot honey water, soothing, and freshwater with liquid IV.
Rested on the couch, watching D2R content with MrLlamaSC, so hypnotic, that and cooking videos, really let me phase out and rest.
Kuma was an ass until the early afternoon, I played some D2R on my necro, he’s 73 now!!
I logged off and watched some Inuyasha for a bit, then just YT cooking show until dinner.
My poor tummy LOL, is super crampy.
Kuma sacked out hard on the couch, he hasn’t moved in hours, that’s why you’re hearing about me LOL
Sukiyaki for dinner ;), yum
1900 Neurontin 0.1mL
I also touched up Kuma’s runways with a quick shave, he’s so cute with his little body fohawk 😉
More YT, some Spy Family, and misery with my sinuses
2000 dinner for all
2100 Capella administration
W: 6.48lbs
T: none
D: 1.9mL
Position 3, L rear flank, a very difficult place these days
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: difficult, involves some great positioning on Isao’s part and a good skin pull/tent on my part
Needle insertion: good, some complaint
Med administration: smooth, but painful for poor Kuma, he yowled and struggled just a bit against Isao’s hold.
We got the meds in, and when I removed the needle, there was quite a bit of bleeding and some meds escaped (less than 0.1mL)
Kuma was yowling and very angry, growling
Tent bouncing, post-injection skin prep, and CHURU with much growling and whining.
By the end of the churu, Kuma was ok, with no more complaints.
More skin cleaning, no more blood, and apparently no more leakage.
I have to stay up till 2200, so I’ll monitor the injection site before bed and clean him again before I crawl into the bed to die LOL
A snotty day LOL