Day 108 Kuma’s FIP Journey
No Keppra
No evidence of seizures or any neural symptoms
We finish the 1-month taper on Wednesday night.
We got back all Kuma’s labs and they are stable from last with some abnormal labs poking up but in different places.
His kidneys continue to be a worry.
We’re seeing some RBC morphology issues, not sure what that’s all about
His globulin levels are decreasing further
His phosphate levels are elevated, but that could be due to increasing growth rate (per Dr. Lair, fast-growing animals have elevated phosphates).
Overall, she is pleased with his labs.
I took a nice walk this morning, but this infection is wiping out my energy levels.
But I made it 😉
Home, Kuma lazing by the heater.
Relaxed a bit, then packed my lunch, showered, off to work.
Got screwed at work, ended up in the nurses’ clinic on the busiest day of the week, and my shoulder and back are fucked.
Got a ketorolac injection just to manage the pain, we’ll see how I wake up in the morning, might call in on my nuclear FMLA, 2 days for back pain.
Isao made an uber-good Japanese dinner 😉
Watched some YT during dinner, then Run for the Money, the last 2 shows!! What a great show!!!! Definitely addicted!!!!
1900 Neurontin 0.1mL
2000 kitteh dinners
2100 show finale… disappointed!!!!!!! But great show, we’ll find the other seasons and watch them
Capella administration
W: 6.48lbs
T: none
D: 1.9mL
Position 4 R front flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: I thought it was excellent, but we were soon to see it wasn’t the best.
Needle insertion: I thought it excellent, no yowling
Med administration: smooth, no yowling
Needle withdrawal: bad, huge leak, not sure why, but we spent 2 churu packs cleaning and tent bouncing, but the leak persisted.
We ended up using a 2nd churu pack to pinch the injection site shut and allow it to clot shut.
This did the trick, but I think we ended up losing 0.1-0.3mLs of medicine.
At this point, he’s tapering, ASYMPTOMATIC, so I am not worried about making up this dose, but if he were symptomatic, we would have to replace what was lost.
I’m glad the leak shut off, he’s just playing like it’s his job right now.
We got an answer from the admins about Kuma going into observation: his labs are stable, on Wednesday, I send them a message about him entering observation and they will send me a plethora of info about our next part of the journey.
We’re super-excited for him, and for ourselves.
Isao goes to Miami this Friday and I’ll be alone with the herd, no meds to be given, no need to call for help with injections, just watching our baby like a hawk for the next 84 days.
Excited and wary, that’s how I describe us now
I will put Kuma in the office at 2200 for bed.
A mixed-bag kind of day