Day 109 Kuma’s FIP Journey
2 more days to go before our baby hits observation !!!!!!
No Keppra
No evidence of seizures
I’m so sore today from NC yesterday, but I promised Mel I would bring the iPad for the world cup match LOL, so off to work I go, miserable or not LOL
Kuma being a heat monger this morning, posted up at the face of the heater, almost at a combustible temp LOL
Had an easy morning, resting on hot packs to help relax my back.
I slept well, thank god for the ketorolac and hot packs
Packed up my lunch, got all my supplements, showered, bade the kittehs farewell, and off to work!!
I sent Dr. Geiger (Kuma’s Neurologist) his most recent labs and gave him an update. He was very happy that Kuma had made it this far and was happy he was thriving.
Isao said that Kuma had a good day, between playing and sleeping
Kuma had a large poo earlier today and a good pee tonight, probably many, but we witnessed the later pee
Work was fun with the World Cup match.
I finished my work at 1300, had lunch, then had a really boring afternoon LOL
Isao made Shabu Shabu , yummy
1900 Neurontin 0.1mL
YT, Chainsaw Man, a new anime (can’t remember the name)
We had to put Kuma in the office b/c he was being an ass to Sasha
2000 kitteh dinner time!
2100 Capella administration
W: 6.54lbs, just as we’re finishing with the meds, he breaks the 6.5lb barrier LOL
T: 100.9F
D: 1.9mL. I will not be increasing the dose. There is no point, and we can conserve the remaining vials just in case he relapses.
Position 5 L mid flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: excellent, nice, and deep
Needle insertion: good, a bit of a flinch
Med administration: difficult. I think there are some adhesions on the L side that make the med pocket difficult. Kuma cried a bit
Needle withdrawal: good, smooth, a small blep of meds leaked
Tent bouncing, post-injection skin prep, and churu all at the same time.
I pinched the injection site tonight and that shut things down quickly.
No further evidence of leaking.
He immediately took to running and playing in the tub. He attacked and carried the string out of the bathroom, and got distracted by Rocket.
He is currently running around like a wild animal, it’s a miracle we keep weight on him!
Bed at 2200
A good day