Day 129 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 19 observation
The 0600 alarm scared me to death LOL
It’s super cold, but I have to go take a walk.
Back in time to play with kittehs and then into shower.
Packed up my lunch, and the laser, and then off to work.
Work was crazy-busy until about 1500, it took me forever to get my messages done.
Kuma was a complete idiot for a while today.
Isao has photos of Kuma wrapped up in a blanket at the top of his keyboard, check it out 😉
After that, I got a cry for help from Isao because Kuma was being a holy terror LOL, and then, Kuma crashed LOL.
I think he’s making up for lost time from not being able to be a kitten, so we’re getting the benefit of his energy LOL, not sure if this is a good or bad thing LOL
Home to find Isao had made a really good stew out of the leftover prime rib , yummy!!!!
YT, then Anime, and more YT before bed
2000 feed babies
Kuma got a good brushing tonight, he was looking ratty and tatty, so daddy freshened him up
So, Kuma is doing well, with no s/sx of relapse, no seizures, good intake, good output, and no ataxia.
He’s FINALLY broken the 7-pound barrier!!!!!
W: 7.02lbs
T: none
He’s acting like a kitten , and I don’t see him getting much larger than he is right now.
We might luck out if he hits 8 lbs.
Off to bed, early day tomorrow.
A long day