Day 133 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 23 Observation
Same ol’ same ol’ .
Happy almost-Christmas
Kuma continues with his asshattery ;), being a cute menace who terrorizes the house, then trills for someone to play with him before settling in on the couch right behind my head and sleeping.
I had a weird moment today.
After his typical day of terror and rest, Kuma had settled into his favorite spot on the couch, right behind where I sit.
I walked in the door from work, pretty damn tired, and I saw him out of the corner of my eye, and I swear, with GOD as my witness, it was my BearBear lying there… made me very sad, but also quite happy.
A strange moment.
Kuma has displayed no s/sx of relapse.
Intake and output are good, he drinks enough water (we think, the next kidney labs will tell the tale), his gait and ambulation are appropriate, if clumsy, and we’re pleased with his progress.
He’s graduating to the big-boi litter boxes in all the rooms now. The kitten litter boxes are too small for his excavations LOL
I passed out on the couch tonight, Kuma kept me company, to bed 0000
A great day.