Day 136 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 26 observation
The day after Christmas, and all through the house, not many were stirring except…ME, wanting to get a last day of surf in before this monster storm comes!
Got up at 0500, got ready quickly, out the door to Tourmos.
Kuma was awake and wanted to come out, but I had to go, so he waited on Daddy to let him out.
I can hear the pounding of the surf here on the Cliffs, but Tourms was just really closed out and smaller, just perfect for me n’ my boogie
Got to see Pat in the lot, haven’t seen him in months
Surf around 2-3 and closed out, but I caught 2 waves in the frigid water LOL.
Out quickly, maybe 30-40m in the water, but that’s enough when the water is 57 and the air is about the same.
Home to Kuma-Kun, running around being a butt LOL
Davey is coming today to brew with Isao, so I will do laundry and let those 2 have some fun.
Kuma was really active, running around chasing everyone, eating everything he could
I got the laundry done as Davey and Isao got started brewing, and Kuma had settled down on the cat tree.
Lunch is done, chillin’ on the couch, waiting for the cool down and watering of the plants during the brewing phases.
Had a small nap, watered the plants with the cooling water, and moved back to the couch for more hot packs for my back.
The new beer tastes really good, is low ABV, it’s a Yuzu Whit
We had yummy ham/prime rib soup, then watched a shit ton of YT, anime, and off to bed around 2100.
I’ll stay up to let Kuma run, he slept all day until about 2000.
Time to play some D2R, and see how far I can get the druid 😉
A fun day