Day 14 Kuma’s FIP Journey
I slept in like a lazy cat, LOL, Keppra given today at 0600 by the PapaCat
Kuma is very active this morning.
Kuma had a large poop and a miss on pee outside the litter box last night.
Today, no misses.
Food intake good, 2 oz can plus kibs
Active day, some good naps.
Continues to antagonize Sasha.
My chiropractor, Carl has agreed to let me borrow the cold laser over the weekends. I can pick it up at 1730 on Friday afternoon and return it on Monday morning at 0830.
Kuma can receive tx TID over as many beneficial programs as we can get him to tolerate!!!!
1900. Neurontin
2100 Capella
Did the early Neurontin help?? YES YES YES YES
Weight: 3.7lbs
Temp: no temp
Location: L mid flank, positive 5
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: Excellent
Injection: excellent, Kuma barely said anything until 3s AFTER the med had been injected!!!
Post-injection skin prep/check: same; No leakage, No bleeding, site intact
Skin surveillance: No sign of sores as of yet, skin remains easy to tent.
Injections in the rear quarters are definitely more painful, but hoping the new Neurontin routine will help
Kuma immediately began running around the house like a fool!
Terrorized his sister, Sasha, got the hissing of his life
Terrorized Rocket: got Paw of Discipline
Terrorized CiCi: got the Stare of Judgement
Terrorized mommy: got mugged
Terrorized poppy: got mugged
2200 Keppra
A great day