Day 15, Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600 Keppra
I came home after surfing and bfast to a nuclear kitteh!
He spends the morning playing, then crashed after 1100.
Slept most of the afternoon
Ate well, all kibble, most of the soft.
Peed well, large poop this morning.
We were out to dinner with Brett and Suzy, missed the Neurontin dosing at 1900.
Capella given at 2130.
Position 6 on the diagram, R rear flank, hardest spot to give for him, very painful.
Skin prep pre-injection: same
Tent: good
Injection: good, but bad, much crying, Isao lost control of Kuma, but he didn’t bite me
Skin-prep post-injection: same
No leakage, No bleeding, much howling and crying and growling
CHURU!!!!! Much growling with churu.
Keppra 2200, long day, time for bed, sorry for the short post
Carl let us use laser over the weekend, will do 10m tonight, inflammation and infection