Day 18, Kuma’s FIP Journey
I went surfing, and before I left, Kuma was asleep.
Keppra given at 0600
Kuma got one last laser treatment of 5m of inflammation frequencies.
He ate well with Churu on old wet formula and ate some Kitten formula. He is also eating kibs
He drank plenty of water.
He had one good poop.
Not sure about pee count but no spots outside the box.
Keppra 1400, had to be woken up, and gave daddy a dirty look LOL
I came home to a kitten chewing himself to bits b/c of FLEAS!!!!!
I bit the bullet and gave him the flea meds that Dr. Lair gave us that has done well with Seizure kittehs.
The medication is called “CREDELIO CAT”.
It is a chewable flea med, 12mg per tab given monthly.
Crossing our fingers.
1900 Neurontin

I’m extremely nervous, I screwed up his injection last night and we had our first leak.
LUCKILY, there was damage to the skin, we washed him so many times, and I followed up with Cottonelle wipes and a laser session this morning to help with healing.
Kuma was a whirling dervish before the shot, running around like a fool!!!!
Capella injection- 1.2mL for weight gain.
Weight: 3.92lbs!!!! I want to see that normalized to a poop.

Temp: no temp tonight
Location: position 3, L rear flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: deep, high, good
Injection: excellent, I drove the needle deep into the tent and subQ tissue space, smooth administration, no crying.
I also bounced the tent for 15-20s to allow the fluids to disperse away from the injection site, not Kuma’s favorite practice.
Needle withdrawal clean, NO LEAKS!
I pinched the injection site for a full 30s while Kuma got his CHURU!!!!!
Washed the site a 2nd time, just to be safe.
I Will check the injection site before Keppra administration.
Skin surveillance: No s/sx of sores yet, we’ve been really lucky.
Just checked Kuma’s injection site, NO LEAKAGE after hard playing, and a successful change of protocol.
2200 Keppra