Day 25 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600, hotter than HELL!!!!!
Isao woke up Kuma to give Keppra, 0600
Skin surveillance: no s/sx of sores
I woke somewhat later after sleeping VERY poorly 2ndary to the heat.
Tonight, we pre-chilled the office with the AC for 2 hours.
Then I will take over the AC for me n’ da adults.

Kuma got a late start, but with a big poop and many pees and good food, became nuclear.
He got 5m inflammation protocol and infection protocol on the laser at 0730
Davey and AnneMarie came over to bottle Davey’s Black IPA, sooooooo tasty.

The day didn’t get really hot until after 2pm.
We ran to Ikea to get a table for the new AC in the office.
Home by 1330, Keppra a bit late at 1430.
Just chillin’ all afternoon, all kittehs sleeping with the heat.

While Kuma was sleeping, he got many cold laser protocols: 5m inflammation, 5m infection, and 7m Brain
1900 Neurontin
Kuma slept until 1930
His eyes are a bit goopy, we have been chasing dust bunnies, but now I think we need the drops
2100 Capella administration
W: 4.14lbs
T: 101F
Dose: 1.3mL
Location: Position 4, R front flank
His fur is growing out so quickly now, it’s time for another shave to the skin so we can inject it easier.
He has a vet visit next week for his 30-day testing!!!
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: difficult to find with all the fur, but a good cleaning soaked the fur nicely so I could grab a nice, deep tent.
Injection: good, needle deep in the pocket, injection smooth, just a tad bit of whining at the end.
Needle withdrawal: good, smooth, no leaks
Post-injection skin prep: soapy towel, fresh water rinse, pat dry, check for leaks
We decided to give him some rx’d eyedrops because of all the eye-boogies, bilateral.
2200 Keppra
A good, sleepy day
Plz GOD, get this fucking heat out of here!!!!!!!