Day 27 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600 Keppra
I went to PT for the first time with Rehab United, came home late, and didn’t have a bunch of time to do anything in the morning.
Many cute Kuma photos
Trivia night, so late with meds.
No Neurontin
2215 Capella administration
Weight 4.18lbs
Temp: none
Dosing: 1.3mLs
Location: position 6, R rear flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: good, tough to get this far back
Injection: good, bevel down, proper position, smooth, no crying
Needle withdrawal: good, no leak
Bounced the tent during CHURU!!!!!
Post-injection skin prep: mild wipe with soapy and freshwater towels
Bed, just exhausted
Keppra after Capella