Day 36, Kuma’s FIP Journey
I went surfing this morning…..very difficult LOL, I only got 2 hours of sleep, but the poker game was so much fun.
Kirk and I sat side by side, sharing our hands (mostly LOL), and laughing like the old friends we are ;), was really good to spend quality time with him
0600 Keppra
Kuma being Kuma LOL
I got home around 0730, showered, and Kuma met me at the door like a hurricane in a boxcar LOL, all full of piss and vinegar LOL
He’s non-stop action!!!!
I’m not sure what he sees as far as depth perception, he sets up for jumps onto the couch or box from a really deep distance……
I checked the ropy part of his R mid flank, and it’s still there, is NOT red, hot, or painful to the touch, but it is concerning.
I will send a message to our handlers and see what they think.
He just took a GARGAUTUAN shit in the litter box, I mean, MAN-SIZED shit…..formed, awesome, there goes the 0.1lb weight gain we had LOL
Off to the DMV to pick up my passport card I left LOL
Had a great experience at the DMV, was able to give a nice thank you note to Willard, the gentleman who found my passport card, did an online survey to say how awesome they are, and did my civic duty
Had breakfast, and went back home.
Kuma being Kuma, running, jumping, being a menace!

I did not sleep last night LOL, so took a nap from 1030-1245.
I Played D2R, FINISHED ON MY OWN!!!! Yay Bael is dead LOL
Starting nightmare on my necro will get druid up.
1400 Keppra for Kuma 😉
He slept pretty well this afternoon.
Went to dinner with Mike, home by 1930
1930 Neurontin
Watched She-Hulk
Watched Screen Crush
2050 Capella Administration
W 4.4lbs
T: 100.7F
D: 1.3mL
Position 3, L rear flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: excellent, deep pocket, Isao gave me lots of slack in the skin.
Injection: excellent, bevel down, deep in SubQ pocket, just some complaint
Needle withdrawal: excellent, no leakage, no bleeding.
Post-Injection skin prep: soapy towel, fresh water rinse, pat dry.
Much love and praise and petting.
Kuma down, waiting for adults to have their churu
Kuma is very active after the injection.
I received an answer from our admins about his skin lesions.
They confirmed, gentle massage, heat, and cold laser for the area, hopefully, we will recover this injection site.
2115 Laser, 5m inflammation, 5m infection, will try to find a “skin” program
Will try to find a hot compress that Kuma will tolerate so we can heat up the area and then massage.
2200 Keppra
A good day