Day 43 Kuma’s FIP Journey
I went surfing this morning, and returned home to Kuma resting
0600 Keppra
Kuma playing and resting, chasing adults
Already with poops in the kitchen (adult) litterbox, Isao caught it and removed it.
Skin surveillance: no signs of sores, but position 2, R mid flank is now shut down, it’s just too hard to gather any skin to tent there and there is a decent-sized lump there now.
Off to work
Kuma was active today, slept a bit, ate, and drank well.
He managed to tear apart one of the drinking fountains LOL, we think he damaged a water pump LOL
I spoke with Dee, Carl’s office manager about paying rental fees for the laser on the weekends, she said she’d ask Carl how much he would charge.
When I got to Carl’s office, he had told Dee $20. I wasn’t sure if this was a daily or weekly charge.
Carl said $20/weekend is plenty.
He said $80 for the time we’ve used, I said $100, he rolled his eyes, laughed, and agreed.
We will now pay a rental fee of $20 for a weekend for the laser to be added to my weekly appointment fees.
I feel good about this agreement.
He is doing us an insane kindness and I feel like I’m doing some small part in return.
For the improvements Kuma demonstrates with the laser, and all the info I’ve received from our admins about how well Kittehs do on the laser, it’s worth every penny.
I picked up the laser from Carl and went home.
Kuma resting in his favorite place by the kitchen.
He is getting more and more aggressive with the adults, I think some kind of discipline will have to be enforced by we humans before Rocket or Sasha take matters into their own hands and give him a good bite.
1900 Neurontin, 0.1mL
Binge-watched Andor!!! Sooooo good
2100. Capella administration
W: 4.68lbs, another weight gain!!! I sent a message to Nancy and Butters about what the next dosage increase should be, waiting on an answer
T: none
Dose: 1.4mL
Position 4, R front flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: good, but in strange positions, Isao and I had to change positions so I could get a good top entry.
Med administration: good, smooth, not much yowling
Needle withdrawal: good, had to continue to keep the tent up to allow med to drop into the pocket, no leaks
Post-injection skin prep: soapy towel wash, fresh water rinse, x 2, pat dry.
No leaks
Kuma instantly on the prowl, attacking Sasha, had to break up that little battle.
Playing aggressively with string, boxes, and so on.
Need to really play him out or he’s an asshole.
2200 Keppra
A good day