Day 47 Kuma’s FIP Journey
I slept in a bit, shitty night of sleep, i will use AC tonight to see if that helps
0545, off to a walk on cliffs
0600 Keppra
0730, called Vet to get an appointment about the lump on his R front flank, near the armpit.
Our favorite staff member said she’d see if Dr. Lair would take a peek at him briefly if we could drop him off and leave him for a few hours or so.
I got a call while at work, they would book us to see Dr. Lair at 0800 Wednesday morning, so off he goes for lump evaluation.
Return to a nuclear Kuma, playing, running, being obnoxious.
Relaxed for a while, showered, and off to work
Isao had to work today, but was home in time to give Kuma his Keppra at 1400
1400 Keppra
Kuma napped off and on all day per Isao.
I got home at 1800, Kuma running around like a madman.
1900 Neurontin 0.1mL
Inuyasha marathon!!!! So good!!!!
2100 Capella administration
W: 4.76lbs
T: 100.7F
D: 1.5mL
Position 2: R mid flank, the lump is gone, we’ll try this site again.
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: actually quite good, but strange
Needle insertion: awkward, much yowling with even a small push of meds.
REINSERTED NEEDLE in a different part of the tent, much easier to inject meds.
Blood at the site from multiple sticks
Med administration: hard first stick, reinserted, much easier
Needle withdrawal: smooth, bleeding at the site, had to clean
No leakage, but blood
Post-injection skin prep: performed a thorough wash of blood away with a soapy towel and fresh water rinse x 3.
Maintained strong, high tent while CHURU!!!
No more bleeding, it shut off after tenting and churu feed.
Checked site carefully with a flashlight, no more blood, medication lump under the skin.
Will recheck before bed.
Kuma off to play and terrorize the house.
He’s grooming the area to remove the excess water, and it probably hurts a bit more with the double stick.
2200. Keppra
Will keep the area under close watch
A good day