Day 48 Kuma’s FIP Journey
Please pardon all misspellings, I’m drunk at the time of writing
Got up 0545-0600 for a walk.
Walk, PT afterward.
Kuma 0600 Keppra
PT was awesome, love Rehab United!!
Home, packed lunch for work, no day off, f’rs didn’t let me have rest of day.
Isao took Kuma to see Dr. Lair for a lump on R front flank, near the hair line. Mobile with skin, NOT red/swollen/painful/open
Per Dr. Lair, the lump is not worrisome, monitor, I’ll hit it with the laser this weekend, possible irritation.
Beautiful photo of Dr. Lair with Kuma
Kuma is home with Isao, me off to work!!!
Good day with Kuma
1400 Keppra
Isao gave 0.1mL Neurontin b4 he came up to DF, uber’d up
Kuma in office
Trivia fun, Alex gave me cookies, homemade
We sucked, but I got kinda hammered, Brett & I did “beer shots with Touch of Darkness, meaning I did the shot he sipped LOL
I’m now drunk, Isao notified that he was driving, he was not happy LOL
Home around 2200.
Capella administration
W: 4.76lbs, no weight change
D: 1.5mL
T: none
Position 3, L rear flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: excellent, deep pocket
Needle insertion: excellent, Kuma didn’t cry
Med administration; excellent, smooth, pocket absorbed almost all meds
Needle withdrawal: good, a small dot of meds, some minor bleeding.
Post-injection skin prep: soapy towel + fresh water rinse x 3, wipe dry
Good tent maintained, still with some minor bleeding, monitoring
Also 2200 Keppra
Kuma is off to play, and mommy is off to have some hot honey water to help with the hangover…..gonna be a doozy…..
A great day