Day 53 Kuma’s FIP Journey
Went surfing this morning, was really fun, the water is cooling down heading into fall.
Caught 5 real waves , was fun.
0600 Keppra
As soon as I got home, I checked on the injection site that leaked last night.
There was a pretty big area that had dried serous fluids and some medication.
I got soapy towels and started scrubbing the area, hoping it was not skin damage.
LUCKILY, it was just dried serous fluids, the soap loosened it up, and I was able to scrape it away with a fingernail.
The skin is in great condition, with NO s/sx of sore development.
Another lucky outcome with leakage.
Kuma was running around, nuclear Kuma!!!
Shower quickly, Isao made a good smoothie, and off to work.
Isao and I discussed Kuma’s weight loss. We’re trying a new strategy of making him rest in the office, with the baby gate up, so he remembers he needs to eat/drink/pee/poo
We’ll see if the strategy worked tonight at the weigh-in.
Per Isao, he did eat and drink more today when locked in the office.
1400 Keppra
Kuma was daddy’s “helper” during his meetings and work
Home, dinner shortly thereafter.
1900 Neurontin 0.1mL
Watched a lot of YT tonight.
2200 Capella administration
W: 4.92, WEIGHT GAIN!!!! I guess the new strategy of resting and eating is helping!!!!
He also had a very nice poop tonight when I got home, so that’s with a poo outbound!!!!
T: 101.4F
D: 1.5mL
Position 2, R mid flank, our trouble spot.
Fortunately, that lump that used to be there is now gone, so this spot is just persnickety as opposed to impossible.
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: difficult, but did manage to gather a good bit of skin and get it well away from the body.
Needle insertion: difficult, but did it, needle well inside the tent.
Med administration: unpleasant, I could feel the subQ bubble form under the skin, and Kuma yowled and growled
Needle withdrawal: smooth. Some bleeding, but no leakage.
Isao took over the CHURU feed while I maintained the tent, and slowed down the churu feed so we could keep the tent open for longer to allow the med to drop down the inner body wall.
There was a bit of blood at the injection site but no leakage of medication
Post-injection skin prep: soapy towel and freshwater rinse x 4-5 to clear blood and insure no leaks, dry with a paper towel and gauze
Down to play!!!!
It takes s him a bit to want to play, and his tail tells the tale of his pain.
He walks around furiously wagging his tail, but as soon as I can get him to attack the string, it’s game on and he forgets the pain.
A final skin check at the injection site: NO LEAK, NO BLOOD
2200. Keppra
A great day