Day 59 Kuma’s FIP Journey
I took a walk today instead of surfing.
0600 Keppra
0615 Walk
Kuma crazy-town when I got home.
Quick shower, quick laser, 5m virus
No such luck to get an early apt, the office was hella-busy.
I have an extra chiro apt at 1130 today, I’m all messed up
Had some breakfast, Japanese toast with espresso peanut butter and jam, butter and jam on the other piece, with a double shot of Kona ;), YUM!!
Off to Carl’s after watching some YT.
OMG so much wrong with me, one of my worst days at Chiro, Carl and I were laughing at how bad it was LOL
I’M A NEW WOMAN!!! Carl is amazing!!
Home to sleepy Kuma.
Took my summon druid on D2R all the way to the end of the game and defeated Bael, YAY!!!
Kuma slept pretty much all day until around dinner.
1700 Neurontin 0.1mL
1845 Capella administration
W: 5.14lbs
T: 101.4F
D: 1.6mL
Position 3, L rear flank, a tough spot
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: really good, nice, deep pocket
Needle insertion: excellent, not even a flinch
Med administration: smooth, no yowling until we were 5s finished.
Needle withdrawal: decent, a small blep of meds, and some mild bleeding
Maintained the tent while CHURU!!!!
Gently bounced the tent with some mild cleaning, MUCH GROWLING, and chewing of the churu package, the burn went on for a good minute .
Post-injection skin prep: daubed the injection site with a soapy towel and freshwater rinse x 3, pat dry, no more leak, no more blood.
Dinner, yummy Japanese beef curry
YT for the rest of the evening.
2020. dinner for all
2040, writing this vlog, Kuma slept on Isao for a solid hour.
Off to be a kitten!!!
The adult food was put up, and Kuma turned loose on the house!!
2200 Keppra
An excellent day.
Tomorrow: Vet visit with Dr. Lair, day 60 labs, and vet snuggles, super excited!