Capella Day 8 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0430. Went surfing
0600 Isao gave Kuma his Keppra.
No Prednisolone today (taper)
Skin surveillance: no evidence of sores
Kuma had 2 large stools overnight, belly softer today, expecting weight loss or equal tonight with Capella administration, NO WEIGHT LOSS, WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!!
Kuma got laser tx last night, will get it again today.
2, 5min programs, one for inflammation and the other for infection.
Areas of concentration: skull, chest, belly for both programs
Kuma with good energy and a good appetite finished 3 full oz of wet food food, unknown volume of dry kibble
Good output, heavy pee, and 2x poos this morning.
Good energy today has not really slept, maybe took 2-hour nap with Isao.
I get home at 1800, nuclear Kuma! Running, playing, met me in the bathroom when I called his name.
He was quite bold with Rocket, rewarded with a good sniffing, no hissing or swatting.
2000 Neurontin given.
2100 Capella administration
Weight: 3.52lbs, weight gain!!!
Temp: no temp tonight
Location: L mid flank, position 5 on a diagram
Injection site pre-prep: same
Injection: good tent, good stick, not as much yowling.
The mid-flank injections are quite a bit less painful
Injection site post-prep: same, NO leakage
2200. Keppra
Kuma had a large stool after the injection.
That’s 4 large stools today and many appropriately placed pees (all in box, no misses).
Skin surveillance: No sign of sores yet
Good day 😊