Day 83 Kuma’s FIP Journey
After a long discussion last night with our admins, we have decided to keep Kuma on another month of Capella while we taper him off of the Keppra (seizure meds).
So his new schedule will be Keppra BID x 1 week, Keppra QD x 1 week, then 2 weeks with no Keppra onboard while we continue titrating Capella upwards with his weight gains.
The calendar is marked, and we’re ready to go.
Day 1 KEPPRA TAPER, BID 0600/1800
0600 Keppra
I got up super late, showered, pet everyone bye, and out the door at almost a dead run LOL
Barely got to work on time
No midday Keppra, Kuma fell asleep on Isao after terrorizing his desk (Kuma now knows how to get up on the desk!!!)

I have Carl today, so arrived home to find Kuma wrapped up in my blanket on the couch, happy, warm, and on the brink of sleep.
Dinner, yummy nabe 😉
1900 0.1mL Neurontin
2000 feeding time!!!
2100 Capella administration
W: 5.96lbs
T: 101F
D: 1.8mL
Position 3 L rear flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: excellent, Isao braced Kuma from the R side so he can’t squish away from me, got some nice skin tenting
Needle insertion: excellent, nicely in tent
Med administration: smooth, no complaints
Needle withdrawal: good, slight leak
Post-injection skin prep while tent bouncing and CHURU!!!! 3x soapy towel with freshwater rinse, pat dry.
Adults getting churu too so had a slight delay before releasing the beast!!!
He is getting too bold on the living room table, tipping glasses, so now begins the avoidance training.
We get a tiny ear flip for bad behavior, followed by a strong “NO!” and placement to the floor.
He is jumping higher and higher now, soon we’ll have to find a taller baby gate for the bedroom.
We have to be able to observe him at all times while he’s tapering off the Keppra, so keeping him out of the bedroom is critical.
I will update Dr. Lair via email tonight.
I need to do the insurance reimbursements this week/weekend.
Kuma to bed 2200