Day 85 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600 Keppra
Kuma being a douche
Slept in, I was up until 0200, (played D2R until 0000, but couldn’t sleep until 0200) that’ll teach me LOL
Kuma got laser this morning and was such a good boy .
5m virus, 7m brain, 5m infection.
Binged some Inuyasha, such a great show!
YT watching it right now
It’s a brew day, Davey and AnneMarie coming over today, so time for showers
UT plays Georgia today, so I’m ready to get this over with LOL, too much stress not knowing how our season will play out, and praying we win
Eau mai……that did not go over well.
UT got manhandled by UGA unfortunately.
BUT, Bama got beat by LSU, we kept it close (in score only) in our game and there were some big upsets today, so we still have a shot.
Praying hard…..
Still so proud of my bois, can’t be happier with this season
Finished brewing with Davey and Matt, time for dinner.
Dinner , yummy chicken chili ;), thanks BB
1930 Neurontin 0.1mL
2000 feeding time
2100 Capella administration
W: 5.98lbs
T: 101.4F
D: 1.8mL
Position 5 L mid flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: excellent, nice, and deep
Needle insertion: excellent, deep in tent
Med administration: smooth, just a small yowl when the needle went in, NO crying with med push
Needle withdrawal: smooth, no leaks
Tent bounce, post-injection skin prep and CHURU while Isao gave adults churu as well.
We have to keep Kuma in the room while we let some wood bondo set up in the bathroom.
I have also submitted a maintenance request for some caulking around our toilet tonight
I found one of the largest cockroaches I have EVER seen in our bathroom!!!!
I could have saddled this bitch up and ridden it!!!!!
Isao and I spent the better part of 20m trying to track this bastard down and kill it…..terrifying
It was around the base of the toilet, and the toilet is loose in it’s seating, so we want to get it caulked up as well as seal a hole next to the toilet from the underside of the house.
Freaking me out!!!!!!!!
I have also ordered some Rosemary oil to help with repelling the bastards, and It’s safe for cats, so that’s good.
I might try to find some crappy rosemary oil at sprouts or Barons until the good stuff gets here.
So Kuma went to bed early tonight.
A so-so day