Day 99 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600 NO Keppra today
Kuma running about this morning when I woke up
Everyone chillin’
UT plays South Carolina today, we have to win out impressively to get a place at the table for the playoffs
As we were getting ready to up to the DF, Kuma was having some ataxia, but I had also woken him up from a dead sleep, so I’m not sure if he was just difficult to work with when he wakens or what.
Also, there is a weird thing he’s doing with his front left paw/leg
When he walks, sometimes, he’ll throw the leg/paw in a perfect circle before placing in on the ground, it’s truly strange.
I checked with Isao about it, and he says he does after he drinks water or licks that paw.
He snaps right back into a normal gait after a few steps, but it’s strange, and merits more observation
Off to the DF!!
Brett and Suzy were there with us, was fun
Off to Costco and Nijiya for shopping
Costco (business) was ok, not too crowded, got all we needed there.
Nijiya was ok
Off to home
Isao making curry for dinner tomorrow, we’re seeing Black Panther 2, Wakanda Forever tonight with Alec and Albert, and dinner before
Super excited about this movie!!!
Neurontin 0.1mL at 1645
Off to dinner!!
Dinner was really good, UT got creamed by South Carolina, and Hendon Hooker tore his ACL, L, so our season is over, we’ll get a good bowl, but no guarantees with Milton.
Black Panther 2 was amazing, flat-out, amazing
Home to give Kuma his meds.
Capella administration
W: 6.4lbs
T: none
D: 1.9mL
Position 1, L front flank
Pre-injection skin prep: same
Tent: good
Needle insertion: smooth
Med administration: good
Needle withdrawal: good, but some bleeding and a blep of meds.
Tent bouncing, post-injection skin prep, CHURU, simultaneously.
Off to play
Mommy played D2R until 0030, off to bed, but feeling like crap, stuffy nose, sinusy, and body pain
I’ll do a COVID test tomorrow.
A mixed day