Days 142-143 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 32-33 Observation
Nothing much to report on Kuma, he’s Kuma
His fur is growing back in, he’s eating and drinking well, peeing and pooping well.
No s/sx of relapse.
He did have his first set of observation labs on 1/2/23 so we’re looking forward to seeing what is going on with his readings and hope he’s continuing to do well.
He has gained some good weight, up to 7.3lbs (vet scale)
Dr. Lair is very pleased with him and his progress.
She checked his rear hips again and he’s definitely jacked up back there.
His hip joints are forward about an inch or so on his body, so when he’s ready for his ball-lopping surgery and his f/up chest Xrays, we’ll get a look at his hips as well to see how he’ll age.
His hip issues haven’t slowed him down much.
If anything, its easier for us, because he can’t jump very powerfully, so he can’t get past the baby gate in the bedroom, giving the adults some freedom from him when he’s a douche LOL
He was a good boy for his blood and urine draws and we came home
I had Carl right after, THANK YOU GOD FOR THAT MAN!!!!
Then I settled into D2R for a while.
My druid is doing amazingly well, and I got my Necro some gear and his Mercenary some amazing gear, so hopefully, he will stop being my weak link LOL
I created 4 mules to hold all the class-related gear I’ve been collecting so now I have more room.
Anyway, Kuma is doing really well, I’ll update everyone on his labs when I get them.
A great day