Days 148-150 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 39-41 observation
Not much to report on during these observation days and that’s good news.
Kuma’s weight continues to hover between 7-7.28 lbs, he’s eating bunches, drinking plenty, good output of pee/poo, and he’s getting bigger!
His fur is growing back onto his shaved areas and we’re finding out he’s truly a fuzzy-butt kitteh!!
His urine is quite stinky, I am attributing it to his hormones, but, DAMN!!! He could clear a building with his urine!!
I will say that today, 1/10 we had some serious rain move through with wind and flooding.
Isao got a video of Kuma sitting at the front door during a big downpour, just blinking in the rain, getting soaked LOL
So, no s/sx of relapse, no signs of seizures, no ataxia, good pounce, and hunting abilities.
His vision remains in question, like his ability to measure distances/heights/depth of field, but he can run like the wind .
His climbing remains a bit hesitant and clumsy, but it’s possible his hips are partially to blame.
I guess his rear hips are misaligned and will be an issue for him as he ages, but it’s not stopping him from running and jumping
We’ll deal with that when we get there.
A good few days