Days 158-162 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 49-53 Observation
Yes, as usual, I have slacked on daily observational data.
Nothing changing but Kuma’s weight which is……..wait for it……GOING UP!!!!!
His current weight is 7.46
He is afebrile, has no s/sx of seizures, no ataxia, no obvious pain signals, and no problems with ins and outs.
He is getting stronger, cuter, and more obnoxious by the day.
I swear to god, we’re having a “thank you lord for no more BALLS” day when we get them lopped.
His urine is so strong, you can smell the hormones in it.
So foul!!!!
He continues to terrorize the house, but then is so damn cute you forgive him immediately LOL
We’re keeping on, keeping on
Keep tuning in