Day 4
Gave prednisolone early (0430)
Isao missed the 0600 Keppra dose, given at 0745
Kuma had a big formed poop overnight and a few pees overnight.
He has been very active this morning, playing with the string, chasing resident cats.
Luckily, he is not the fav of anyone so he does NOT get groomed by the resident cats as of yet.
He is not allowed to roam freely, he is always watched by one of us.
After reading an article on SockFIP about the difficulty of passing this virus along, we have allowed Kuma to roam with supervision.
No one is allowed to eat his food or use his litterbox, generally, no one is allowed in his room, but we allow him to roam with supervision.
It really improves his mood, he is more energetic out here in the house, so we allow it.
Isao will give him his, now, 3pm, dose of Keppra.
1800. come home to nuclear kitteh!!!! Playing, running around like an asshole LOL!!!
Kuma had normal pee/poo today per Isao.
Kuma ate very well today.
Will follow established med regimen tonight.
2000 Neurontin
2100 Capella 1mL
2200 Keppra
2100 Capella administration
Weight: 3.22, weight gain!!!
Temp: not taken, will do tomorrow
Location: L mid flank, area prepped with soapy paper towel, rinsed with fresh water paper towel, alcohol swab prior to injection
Skin surveillance: No evidence of any skin disturbances
Insertion excellent, Kuma didn’t flinch.
No air on aspiration
Injection, much calmer tonight, not as much yowling (better for mommy’s nerves and guilt LOL), minimal growling, but did whine a bit
We have figured out the safest and most comfortable way to give him the injection and protect Isao.
Kuma in Sphinx position, one hand with a firm scruffing, the other hand resting on the bum, controlling any escaping movements.
Much steadier on needle, NO bleeding at injection site tonight.
Finishing prep: rewash with soapy paper towel, rinse with fresh water.
Keppra @2200