Day 11 Kuma’s FIP Journey
Good poo this morning, many good pees
Eating better/more
Tummy nice and soft
Skin surveillance: no evidence of sores yet
Site issues from last night: area clear of any greasy look, no leakage.
The last day of prednisolone taper today, 0.3mL given.
Advised Isao to watch for strange behavior.
Kuma is running around and playing, nuclear kitteh!!!!
Returned home 1800, kitten sleeping, but when I called his name, he sprung to live, had some food, and ran out into the house like a fool!
After running around, has settled into his favorite box
2000 Neurontin
2100 Capella
Weight: 3.52lbs
Temp: 101.4F
Location: R mid flank, position 2 on the diagram
Site pre-prep: same
Tent: good.
Injection: bad. Isao lost control of Kuma during the injection, Kuma turned and took my injecting index finger in his teeth, getting 4 punctures and the needle was hubbed to the skin at the entry point.
All med injected, ?subcutaneously?
We will monitor the site carefully.
Post-injection skin check, no obvious leakage, no bleeding.
No evidence of sores yet.
We will carefully review our body control protocols before the next injection.
After injection, Kuma played with string, chased his sister Sasha, and got the paw of discipline a few times, it doesn’t really phase him LOL
2200 Keppra