Day 12 Kuma’s FIP Journey
0600 Keppra
I took a walk, and came back to a nuclear kitteh!!
He has learned to jump quite high, onto the boxes blocking the kitchen!!
It is only a matter of time b4 he is able to get up on the couch and bother Sasha, earning the Paw of Discipline.
He loves my lunchbox, I might have to get him one of his own, but he’ll only be this size for a while.
Kuma ate somewhat well and had a large poo, and many pees in box.
Is chasing resident cats, getting the Paw Of Discipline regularly LOL
Skin Surveillance: No sign of sores yet.
The injection site from last night is WNL, with no exit holes, and no greasy fur.
My puncture wounds from his bites are clean, with no s/sx of infection.
We lucked out
Keppra today at 1400
Given, that Isao had to wake Kuma up to give meds, and he wasn’t pleased LOL
After Keppra, Kuma went back to sleep after the Keppra, woke up, ate, and went back to sleep.
I found him asleep when I got home at 1800, he awoke around 1845 and has been awake since.
1940 Neurontin
2100 Capella
Weight: 3.60lbs, WEIGHT GAIN!!!!!
If he gains to 3.8lbs, we go up in dosing to 1.2mL
Temp: no temp tonight
Location: Position 3, L rear flank
Before injection, we did a briefing, going over the proper way to scruff, thumb and the first finger have the scruff between them, firmly, other hand on the rump with Kuma in Sphinx position, Perfect.
Injection site pre-prep: same
Tent: Perfect
Injection: Perfect, aspiration: Appropriate
Smooth injection, a bit of whining.
Injection site post-prep: same.
No evidence of leakage, shorter needle ok for the process.
2200 Keppra
Skin surveillance: no evidence of sores yet.
I ordered 2 more weeks of Capella, $320 + $20 shipping = $340 via PayPal.
Should arrive in 3-5 days.
I need to speak with Dr. Lair during the apt for Kuma about his urination.
He has been peeing far more than pooping and the spots are quite large.
I want to make sure his kidneys are still ok, will request f/up labs to make sure BUN/Creat are still good.
A good day