Day 7 Capella FIP Journey-Kuma
Late night, took my down day for physical activity, slept in.
Met at door at 0615 by a flying Kuma!!!
Prednisolone given 0625
Nuclear Kuma!!!
Skin surveillance, no evidence of sores.
Kuma very active
Isao to give Keppra 1400, given @1400
We got some suggestions about how to give the Capella.
Chilling it in the fridge 30m prior to inj might help lessen the pain?
I put it to the admins and they said it’s anecdotal info, but worth a try.
Isao was worried earlier today that Kuma’s belly was bigger, but I took a feel of him when I got home and he doesn’t feel “taut”, but the belly is a tad bigger.
He had a big stool this morning and had a big pee outside the box this afternoon, need to change the litter box.
Kuma was playing when I got home around 1830, loves his string.
We’re going to start a new therapy for Kuma: cold laser.
My chiropractor has a hand-held laser device that can be programmed with different frequencies for different tissues and conditions in the tissues.
The name of the laser system is Erchonia, we will film its use at a different time.
He is letting me borrow it for the night and morning.
I have told Isao we need to get Kuma to Carl’s office 3x weekly for laser tx. If it helps save his life, it’s worth doing.
Carl is letting us do the treatments for FREE!!!! What’s not to try????
2000 neurontin dose given.
Will start laser tx.
We made it through the 5 min sequence for inflammation (brain/intestine), and a 5 minute sequence for infection, lungs/chest/abdomen
He was quite squirmy, didn’t want to sit still, but 10m on the most important parts will do for now
Litter box in room changed, large pee discovered
Capella administration:
Weight: 3.46, weight gain!!!!!
Temp: 101.9F, WNL
Location: on new chart, position 4, R front flank
Skin prep: same as before
Injection: tent, good. Injection, painful, ?cold solution?
Skin post-prep: same as before
Kuma was out playing in 4 min
Skin Surveillance: no sign of sores as of yet
1 stool today, multiple pees.
Belly a bit puffy, will see tomorrow morning what he looks like
Keppra 2200