Days 170-176 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 61-67 Observation Greetings folks Kuma is progressing nicely through his observational period. The Day 60 labs were good again, he’s coming up where he should be coming up, decreasing where he should be decreasing, and stable where he should be stable. His globulins are stable/normal His kidneys have…
Days 163-169 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 54-60 observation
Days 163-169 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 54-60 Updates on Kuma He’s doing very well , he’s continuing to gain weight, we’re up to 7.5 lbs and pretty stable there. His fur is growing back beautifully in the Faux-Body-Hawk he had 😉 He is happy, running, eating like it’s his job, beating up on everyone around…
Days 158-162 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 49-53 observation
Days 158-162 Kuma’s FIP Journey Days 49-53 Observation Yes, as usual, I have slacked on daily observational data. Nothing changing but Kuma’s weight which is……..wait for it……GOING UP!!!!! His current weight is 7.46 He is afebrile, has no s/sx of seizures, no ataxia, no obvious pain signals, and no problems with ins and outs….