Day 136 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 26 observation The day after Christmas, and all through the house, not many were stirring except…ME, wanting to get a last day of surf in before this monster storm comes! Got up at 0500, got ready quickly, out the door to Tourmos. Kuma was awake and wanted to come…
Author: Susan T

Day 134 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 24 Observation
HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE 🙂 Day 134 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 24 Observation After playing D2R last night until 0045, I FINALLY finished the Arcane Sanctuary on my Druid!!!! And then went on to trounce Durial!!!! Gods, there are parts of D2R that blow goats!!4 Today is Christmas Eve, and we have a surprising amount of…
Day 133 Kuma’s FIP Journey, Day 23 Observation
Day 133 Kuma’s FIP Journey Day 23 Observation Same ol’ same ol’ . Happy almost-Christmas Kuma continues with his asshattery ;), being a cute menace who terrorizes the house, then trills for someone to play with him before settling in on the couch right behind my head and sleeping. I had a weird moment…