Day 14 Kuma’s FIP Journey I slept in like a lazy cat, LOL, Keppra given today at 0600 by the PapaCat Kuma is very active this morning. Kuma had a large poop and a miss on pee outside the litter box last night. Today, no misses. Food intake good, 2 oz can plus kibs Active…

Day 13, Kuma’s FIP Journey
Day 13 Kuma’s FIP Journey I went surfing, had much fun 0600 Keppra Isao gave Returned home to nuclear kitteh! Kuma had a follow-up apt with Dr. Lair today. Requested to touch up shaved runways for injections and fuzzy balls/peepee. Requested more Neurontin (given, a larger volume) Requested kidney labs (chem panel), performed, will attach…

Kuma’s FIP Journey, day 12
Day 12 Kuma’s FIP Journey 0600 Keppra I took a walk, and came back to a nuclear kitteh!! He has learned to jump quite high, onto the boxes blocking the kitchen!! It is only a matter of time b4 he is able to get up on the couch and bother Sasha, earning the Paw of…